Ships can be earned by leveling up, where you get free ships every few levels or so. I own tons of ships across a variety of characters. TLDR: It's a fun game with both solo and group content that is really engaging with really cool ships and builds. In fact, the last two weeks I've barely logged into FFXIV and have exclusively been playing STO. That changed over the course of the lockdown, where STO has inexplicably become my second favorite MMO behind FFXIV. I've had an STO account for years now because I'm a Star Trek fan but have never seriously played it.

With that out of the way, I wanted to talk about the gameplay itself.

That's been my experience so your mileage may vary. Now, there are ways around this that require very long grinds, or just a stroke of really good luck, but the quick and easiest way to build a powerful character is to spend money. So, if you're looking to dominate PvP or the DPS charts, get ready to spend lots of money, both in real-life and in-game.

If you have a lot of real-life money to spend, you can buy the best ships and gear in the game. In fact, it's the text book example of it. Right off the bat, let me start by saying that STO is very much P2W.